Once upon a time, a wimp named Steve came into the land. The king thought he was the solution to all our problems. Well, the wimp packed all his gear and he was going serpent hunting... "I'll ride the darn thing!", he bragged, and set out in a little boat. For three days and three nights he sailed the seas, but saw no serpents. Until he arrived just outside the lost island. Something stirred in the waters around him, and he drew his double mace and sword, ready to do combat. But it was not a serpent that poked its head out of the water! It was a Jack-in-the Box! "Oh, ho! Hee! Hee!", laughed Jack. Steve cowered in his boat, feeling very wimpy. He sailed back. "Oh, crap. When I reach the castle they'll all laugh at the wimp who couldn't even find a serpent, much less battle one..." He moaned and complained all the way to the castle. When he got there, he saw all the people of the land gathered around the castle. Steve looked about, bewildered. "What's all this?", he asked. "Don't you know?", the king asked. "No, I see no reason to celebrate.", answered Steve. "Lo!", the king shouted... "YOU'VE FOUND THE LOST ISLAND!" END